Saturday, January 10, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Do now: 1-8-09

  Learning about email attachments can be very good because it helps a lot to know about what can do while typing and sending and e-mail. When sending something such as a forward it is good because it doesn't show the emails of the people your sending it to. It is better to send a blind copy to someone that way they can see the email it had been sent to and by not sending the carbon copy which is the original copy that wouldn't be able to get the original copy. To be safe and to know the proper thing to do it is good to know all of this information.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

 The most exciting place that i went to was that i went to Dr.Coss in Mexico. I went over there to visit my dad's grandparents. The exciting part was that i wasn't used to living over there because of the different lifestyles that there is over there in that little village. Another thing that i thought was exciting was that we went to a nearby lake that we got into on the shore of the lake. That was the exciting and fun thing that i liked about the break we had from school.