Thursday, September 24, 2009

do now:9-24-09

Why is creating goals important?  

Goals are important because it is needed to know to what  you are planning to reach. If u don't know what you are going reach, you wouldn't know when you have reached your goal or not. It is important to know when you have reached your goal. It is also important that you have goals.

Monday, September 21, 2009

exit quiz 9-21-09

  I can improve my wpm(words per minute) by practicing my typing daily. I can also improve my typing by going to the page: What this webpage does it is that it helps you type faster by practicing on the keyboard word by word. For me it has actually made me improve little by little. I will try to get 40 words per minute next time i try this way i can try to reach higher next time.

do now: 9-21-09

     I think i would rank myself at a 5. i rank myself at 5 because i have shown the requirements there is to do at number five.


    I think i would rank myself at a 4. I rank myself at a 4 because my project contains details in which the requirements are reached.