Thursday, October 16, 2008

do now 10-16-08

I will manage my time by researching the information about the charter busses , finding out the cost, where is it located, is it affordable. the hotels how much time we are going to be there , the cost of all the nights ,which hotel we are going to stay at, is it close to the places we are going to be at. Also the universities which one we are going to go to.We also need to know the places we are going to go eat, we need to know how much is it going to cost,is it close to were we are going to be staying at,and the menu we need something that is affordable that all the students like and could they afford.   The entertainment we are going to like the places we are going to fun at,also is it affordable. That is what I am planning to research in the time we are going to have to get all the information ready for the trip. I am going to make sure we have everything we need to know for the trip like the phone numbers, costs and hoe close it .

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