Monday, December 8, 2008

Do now: 12-8-08

Hackers do what they do for a number of reasons. What might be some common reasons why teens hack? What are some likely consequences? Can hacking ever be ethical?

Hackers do what they do for many reasons such as getting information about people,bank account passwords,social securities,and other type of people's accesses or passwords. Teens might hack for money,information and for passwords. Some consequences that might be able to happen might be like going to jail or paying a fine. Hacking is always going to be unethical because even though you don't steal anything it is unethical to get into a computer that is not yours and get information that wasn't meant for anybody to read. It can be ethical if the owner of the computer that you are on gave you permission to use the computer then that wouldn't be called hacking.

1 comment:



You are doing an excellent job with your writing! Can you please change the color so I can read more clearly?

Thank you.