Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Do now: 1-14-09

 What have you learned from this class? What projects would you recommend I continue doing? What have you liked about this class and what can I do better?

  The best project i think we did was the copyright paper that we did. What i think we should do better as the students in this class is that we should make good use of the time we have to do a project it is that we have that day to do. I have learned to do many things such as typing faster and also many safeties we have to know to be able to keep our identities safe. I have also learned about what you can use and what you can't like the copyright laws and other laws that are provided by copyright to give credit to the creator to the artists of whatever you are using that has copyright. We have also learned about how to use an e-mail for many uses like communication and any other job purposes. I have also learned about many ethical things by playing Rags to Riches. A suggestion that could be good to continue is playing Rags to Riches since the beginning of semester that way we could have learned many other things since the beginning.

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